Goat Meat
Why Goat Meat? Goat meat is the most nutritious red meat you can ingest. Far leaner than beef, it is excellent for those watching the waistline, cholesterol levels, and needing an alternative to the average hum-drum food. Goat meat is naturally lean, meaning it is much lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, having a naturally higher HDL count (the good cholesterol) and a naturally low LDL count (the bad kind of cholesterol). It is also lower in calories than other meats. Since the molecular structure of goat meat is different than that of beef or chicken, it is easier to digest. 70% of the world's population is very familiar with goat meat, and prefer it to all other red meats. It is only here in our Western culture that we are slow to catch on to what the rest of the world already knew about. It's time we dragged more of our friends to a taste-test with goat meat!
Goat Meat Nutrition Facts
by Michael Tardiff
Goat meat is a healthy alternative to beef and chicken because of its lower calorie, fat and cholesterol totals. A staple in North African and Middle Eastern cuisine, goat meat comprises 63 percent of red meat consumed worldwide, according to the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service. If you're looking for a leaner alternative to traditional meats, goat meat could be the answer.
Calories and Fat
A 3-ounces portion of goat meat has 122 calories, which is considerably less than beef's 179 and chicken's 162. In terms of fat, goat is much leaner than other, more readily available meats. Goat meat's 2.6 grams of total fat per 3-ounce serving is about one-third of beef's 7.9 grams and roughly half of chicken's 6.3 grams. A serving of goat meat represents just 4 percent of your daily value of total fat, based on a 2,000-calorie diet.
Saturated Fat
The Harvard School of Public Health recommends avoiding red meat or choosing only the leanest cuts, because red meat is notoriously high in saturated fat, which can boost cholesterol levels in the blood and contribute to heart disease. But with just 0.79 grams of saturated fat per serving, goat is a heart-healthy alternative to beef and chicken's 3.0 grams and 1.7 grams, respectively. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends you eat less than 20 grams of saturated fat daily. A serving of goat meat contains about 4 percent of your daily value.
Cholesterol and Iron
Goat is lower in cholesterol and higher in iron. If you're watching your ever-important cholesterol levels, goat meat can again be a nutritious alternative to other meats. Goat's 63.8 milligrams of cholesterol per 3-ounce serving is considerably less than beef and pork's 73.1 milligrams and chicken's 76 milligrams per serving. Eating goat won't cause you to sacrifice the important blood component, iron, either. Goat meat's 3.2 milligrams of iron per serving trumps beef's 2.9 milligrams and doubles chicken's 1.5 milligrams.
Animal meat is a source of complete proteins, which are proteins containing the eight amino acids your body cannot create on its own. Many people struggle to balance meat's high protein and high fat content. Goat's 23 grams of protein per serving is comparable to the 25 grams in a serving of beef and chicken, meaning you won't have to sacrifice a key protein source. In fact, a 3-ounce serving of goat fulfills 46 percent of most people's daily value of protein.
Other Considerations
Though perhaps not as popular as beef, chicken or even lamb in the United States, goat meat sold in retail stores is still subject to United States Department of Agriculture inspection. Goat meat does not contain any growth hormones because the USDA has not approved their use. Also note, because of its lower fat content and the lack of marbling in its meat, goat must be prepared over low heat to preserve tenderness and juiciness.
B Vitamins and CLA
Keeping in mind that both goat meat AND lamb meat contain lots of healthy B-vitamins, goat meat may be particularly beneficial. Articles of Health Care even suggests that eating goat meat could help with depression, thanks to its large quantities of B-group vitamins.
Now, it’s important to note that meat does contain omega-6s, but the type of omega-6 in your foods is very important. Unlike highly processed vegetable oils, the fatty acids in lamb meat (and goat meat, too), are a healthy type of omega-6 called CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). This particular nutrient is thought to help prevent cancer. In fact, according to World’s Healthiest Foods, “studies show increased intake of CLA to be associated with improved immune and inflammatory function, improved bone mass, improved blood sugar regulation, reduced body fat, and better maintenance of lean body mass.”

Cuts we offer
Kebabob Meat
Loin Chop
Neck Fillet
Osso Bucco Shank
Rack Cutlet
Rack of Goat
Rib Rack
Ribs (Flank)
Sirloin chop
Shoulder Chop
Shoulder Roast
Shoulder Steak
Stew Meat
Tenderized Cutlet
Whole Leg
+ Heart, Liver, Kidney & Broth Bones